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Kripalu Bhaktiyoga Tattvadarshan

45 Posts

The Goal of Human Life

It is a fact that every individual performs actions with a specific aim. No one can remain inactive even for a moment and no action is performed without a purpose. The Darshan Shastra declares, prayojanamanuddishya … (Darshan Shastra) However, we can say that every individual performs various actions every moment with

हमारी प्रिय "बड़ी दीदी" को जगद्गुरु कृपालु परिषत्: प्रकाशन विभाग की ओर से एक भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि

जगद्गुरु कृपालु परिषत्: प्रकाशन विभाग, भारी मन से, अपनी प्यारी और पूज्य बड़ी दीदी, सुश्री डॉ विशाखा त्रिपाठी जी को हार्दिक श्रद्धांजलि

How to Find God?

A Journey of Surrender and Love The ultimate goal of every individual soul is only supreme divine bliss; to attain that, we exert constant effort every moment. But until now, we have not received that bliss. There are only two fields: the field of maya, the material power, and the

Eternal Freedom from Suffering

The Eternal Struggle Between the Material World and God We all have a mind that is responsible for all the actions that we perform.  Firstly, it is the mind that constantly creates desires.  The question is, “Why do we have desires?” The answer is that all souls desire true happiness,

Knowledge and Acceptance

The scriptures tell us that the individual soul has endeavoured to know God in every moment since eternity. No soul can remain inactive even for a second. And we know this to be true from our own experience. Wherever we are and whenever it is, we are engaging in some

Faith: The Ultimate Gamechanger

You must have heard the word shraddha which means “faith”. The Vedas say: shraddhatsva tata shraddhatsva “O humans! Have shraddha, have shraddha." agyashchashraddhadhanasheha sanshayatma vinashyati nayam lokosti na paro na sukham na para gatim There are three kinds of people who fall from the spiritual path due to doubts.

Foundations of Devotion

There are 8.4 million species on Earth. Among them, the human form of life is the only one in which spiritual practice is possible to rid ourselves of sorrow and attain eternal happiness. This human life is so rare that even celestial gods long for it. This human form

Demystifying Idol Worship

There is nothing special in any idol of God. An idol, whatever substance it is made from, cannot think for itself, nor does it know anything. It is, after all, an inert object. This being the case, what will anyone get by worshipping it? This is a very common question,

Why did Krishna steal?

Why would the supreme personality of God feel the need to steal? Vedas declare that Shri Krishna is the supreme divine personality. He is often portrayed as mischievous, particularly through the stories where He is known to steal butter from the gopis - the cowherd maidens of Braj. This behavior

Father of all was born 5000 years ago?

Question  Shri Krishna was born only about 5000 years ago. How did people become God-realized before He descended? Also, when he was born only 5000 years ago how can He be the Supreme Father? Answer According to the Vedas, Shri Krishna is the Supreme Father. His most recent descension was